Below the Turf is a registered trade name with the State of New Hampshire and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Copyright 2004-2017 Below the Turf Company. All Rights Reserved.
Working with golf course superintendents and sports turf managers over the years, we’ve seen and heard several recurring themes. Some might be familiar to you:
For these and other turf maintenance issues, Below the TurfSM is the right next step toward a solution. We conduct subsurface surveys to map critical areas on golf courses and athletic fields using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). When the GPR survey data is processed, the result is a unique and detailed 3-D picture of all the underground features and conditions. You’ll have a mole’s-eye view of pipes, drainage systems, saturation levels, soil/mix layers and variances, voids, sinkholes and other subsurface anomalies.
Our mapping and analysis services give you the real data you need to determine the highest priorities and the most cost-effective corrective action. No other survey technology can provide the level of detail and accuracy – all the benefits of actually digging up the answers … without a shovel.
Welcome to the virtual home of Below the Turf, LLC. This site shows how we bring the virtual underground into view and what this information can do for you.